

Assistant Professor of Child and Adolescent Development Ellen Middaugh in her classroom, 防. Jim Gensheimer摄.

接受教育如何帮助你找到自己的声音?你又该如何运用自己的声音 改变他人的声音?

圣何塞州立大学 康妮L. 卢里教育学院 is subverting the hierarchies embedded in higher 教育, primarily “systemic racism that has historically prevented full inclusion and equity for our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, 有色人种)学生、员工和教职员工”,一次一项倡议. 开始 2018年,院长希瑟·拉蒂默邀请学生、教职员工参加 in a year-long strategic planning process to brainstorm innovative ways to disrupt 教育. 从教师教育到交际障碍,各个部门如何做到 and 科学s, create an environment that promoted inclusivity, diversity and anti-racist 认为?

第一步? 听. 听我们的老师,本科生,研究生 以及在该领域工作的工作人员和教育工作者、研究人员和政策制定者. 听讲师喜欢 玛塞拉的地方, ’05 MA Speech Pathology, ’22 EdD, who not only volunteered to serve on the strategic 规划委员会还提出了一项 辅修变革型领导 与…合作 Rebeca Burciaga他是教育领导力和墨西哥裔美国人与墨西哥裔美国人研究的教授.

玛塞拉·麦科勒姆和丽贝卡·布尔西亚加旁边是一个拿着铅笔的拳头. Top row: Rebeca Burciaga, professor of 教育al leadership and Chicana and Chicano 研究. 下一排:玛塞拉的地方, 05年硕士语言病理学,22年教育博士.

“我们需要考虑改变模式,”麦科勒姆说. “我们不能只是提供 a class or textbook that tells you how to overcome the challenges that exist in our 现行的教育体系. 我们希望学生问为什么 事情本来就是这样的. 我们希望他们有工具,这样他们就可以反击 当事情看起来不公平时.”

Throughout the year-long process, the strategic planning committee interviewed students, 收集研究并合作更新大学使命. 委员会成立了 an 身份的声明 and formed four strategic pillars — community engagement, cultural sustainability, holistic approaches and interdisciplinary collaboration — which unites the college’s 跨部门工作. 然后邀请教职员工和学生提交补助金 与这些支柱相一致的努力建议. 

Luz Nicacio, ’21 Child and Adolescent Development, provided key insight as the only undergraduate on the committee who helped review grant proposals, provide feedback 向那些提交想法并选择那些将获得资助的人.

“I saw how influential my voice was in deciding the college’s direction,她说。. “Being on the committee showed me that my college values the opinions of its students 而且很关心我们.”



在赠款计划的头两年,有几个项目得到了资助. 一个十字架 section of them include Early Childhood 连接s, a student-alumni network founded 由 幼儿研究所; the 健康发展诊所, a cross-department collaboration to create a wellness clinic at a school site; the 酷儿教育者和辅导员网络, a professional learning community; and the 解放教育研究所,由Burciaga等人牵头.

父亲的女儿 著名的奇卡诺壁画家 and an 教育al administrator, Burciaga grew up on the Stanford University campus, where she observed the opportunities that college afforded — and the inequities it 有时是被创造出来的,尤其是在有色人种群体中. 作为一个学者和教授, she set out to find creative ways to subvert the hierarchies embedded in higher 教育.

“My first experience that piqued my interest in 教育 was seeing first-generation 大学生,主要是墨西哥裔美国人和拉丁裔学生来上大学 校园里找个家. 如果我们早点开始连接会怎么样?她说。. 

As a professor focused on leadership development, she sees opportunities to reframe 学校领导的传统观念. 这就是她渴望与麦科勒姆合作的原因 开设变革性领导力辅修课程.

“What I’ve noticed in 教育al leadership is that we have a lot of students who didn’t necessarily want to be school principals but who really wanted to make changes Burciaga补充道.

他们的目标受众? 希望培养领导能力的本科生 required to investigate and rethink 教育al systems: What works, what doesn’t, 对谁来说呢??

“This minor is not about positional leadership — there are lots of programs that focus 把你带到管理层,”麦科勒姆说. “当我们采访学生并问 他们要确定一个领袖,许多人说他们的妈妈. 这个项目强调 他们不需要成为改变世界的领导者.”


In addition to her work with the Transformative Leadership minor, Burciaga leads the 教育领导硕士课程 and serves as the faculty executive director of the 解放教育研究所 (IEE). 所有这些项目都致力于公平、社会正义和重新定义 教育的未来.

“IEE真正基于人们应该积极参与的理念 改变他们自己的世界和社会状况,”布尔西亚加说.

She adds that because educators often feel pressured to “teach to the test,” it is 越来越重要的是,他们可以自由地改进教育方法. “ it look like if we were able to untie their hands and emancipate their power to teach?”

Perhaps, McCollum suggests, if educators had the freedom to reimagine the way they teach, they could expose their students to career pathways that they might not have 否则视为.

Had it not been for 菠菜网lol正规平台 Emerita Professor of Communicative Disorders and 科学s Gloria Weddington, who hired McCollum not long after she’d graduated from the University 在旧金山,她可能从未考虑过语言病理学. 最初的地方 她的目标是成为家庭治疗师吗. 她想帮助弱势儿童 — those who had been abused or neglected, who faced homelessness or food insecurity, 或者他们的父母被监禁. 在某种程度上,她不熟悉语言病理学 because she’d never seen a person like her, a bilingual professional, in that role.

“One day, Gloria said, ‘What do you think is the most powerful thing you can give 那些孩子? 也许是他们讲述自己故事的能力,’”麦科勒姆回忆道. “She told me about a grant for bilingual educators and encouraged me to apply for 上海州立大学语言病理学硕士项目.”

McCollum hopes that by transforming the landscape of 教育al leadership, she can 鼓励她的学生多指导他们未来的学生或客户 in the way that Weddington did for her — by recognizing potential and creating opportunities 为那些历史上被排除在外的人.


Because the strategic planning process began before the COVID-19 pandemic, many of 项目必须不断发展. 当疫情明显蔓延到更远的地方时 最初的两周封锁,学院启动了 K-12教学学院 2020年夏天. 在那个时代,大多数教师在教学方面的培训都很有限 在网上,免费的网络研讨会为任何人提供实用的技巧,在任何地方.

By bringing together experts who could speak to the challenges facing educators during the pandemic in real time, the project drew on the college’s four pillars — community engagement, cultural sustainability, holistic approaches and interdisciplinary collaboration. Feedback poured in from across the nation: 的 webinars have been viewed over 25,000 时间和重点 ABC7lol菠菜网正规平台, EdSource,和 COVID-19 CA网站

ieee也提供了类似的在线系列研讨会 in early 2021 with a special focus on emancipatory 教育 and anti-racist pedagogy.

“的re’s space growing for us to collaborate, and it’s on the back of the pandemic and last summer’s racial reckoning,” Burciaga says, referencing the murder of George 弗洛伊德和随后的全国对话. 

“A lot of this work could not have happened without the push from Black Lives Matter. 我注意到我们所处的时代,以及这项工作真正依靠的是谁.”

Dean Lattimer adds that the programs introduced through the strategic planning process “are intentionally designed to engage students as current and future leaders who will 从自己的生活经历中汲取力量,进行急需的变革 我们社会的变化.”

“Between the master’s programs and the leadership minor, our modifications to teacher 教育 and our conversations about who is being hired to teach and enact change, 我真的认为我们所做的是基础性的,”麦科勒姆说. “它有 改变教育基础的潜力.”

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