
Ana Avendano


安娜·阿文达诺获得了B.A. 加州州立大学拉丁裔研究硕士, 东湾和她的M.A. 圣何塞州立大学墨西哥裔美国人研究专业. She is currently in her third year at the University of San Francisco, pursuing an Ed.D. 国际与多元文化研究. Ana’s curriculum vitae demonstrates her pursuit of diversity through her community leadership as a mentor and activist, her conference presentations highlighting pressing issues in the Latinx community, and her current position as an Assistant Project Director for a five-year Hispanic Serving Institution grant funded program aimed at improving transfer and 西班牙裔和高需求学生的毕业率. 安娜拥抱解放的实践 作为变革教育的基础. 她寻求一种合作的方式 to teaching and learning by students and professors, infusing global social justice 在这个过程中. 她的学术目标是由她的经验 来自移民社区的第一代科罗拉多州立大学学生. 安娜有很长一段时间 与她的导师,博士. 马格达莱纳·巴雷拉,副教授,墨西哥裔美国人 研究可以追溯到2009年. Dr. 巴雷拉在她的推荐信中说 Ana, as a McNair scholar, has been building up to doctoral work for several years. Dr. Barrera and Ana have built a collaborative plan of support that will not only provide Ana with real-time access to the classroom, but will build on developing her 研究技能和出版物简介.

Laura Shroder


劳拉·施罗德获得了B.S. 普渡大学酒店与旅游管理专业毕业 大学毕业,获得硕士学位.S. 毕业于罗斯福大学,获行政证书 Leadership. 她目前在圣何塞州立大学攻读教育学学位.D. 教育领导. 劳拉是旧金山州立大学的全职讲师 where she has been teaching classes in the Hospitality and Tourism Management Department 在商学院学习四年. 除了她的教学职责 at San Francisco State University, Laura is the Director their Hospitality and Tourism Management Global Student Career and Professional Development Program where she works to coordinate internships and career opportunities for students and industry partners. 劳拉选择攻读教育学学位.D. 而不是博士学位.D. in Hospitality Management because she was interested in the elements of diversity and equity that 是Ed的一部分吗.D. program. 劳拉的研究兴趣集中在 酒店业代表性不足的少数族裔学生. 劳拉全身心地投入其中 citizenship at San Francisco State University as a member of multiple faculty committees, including the Curriculum Committee, the Enrollment and Promotion Committee, and the 发展委员会. 劳拉的导师,教务长兼学术高级副校长 Affairs Andy Feinstein, compliments her embrace of CSU values and her support of diverse populations. Dr. Susan Roe,酒店与旅游管理助理教授, San Francisco State University, will act as a Laura’s co-mentor in the execution of a the joint collaborative plan developed for Laura’s advancement and ultimate goal 成为终身教职员工.

Stacy Schwartz


史黛西·施瓦茨获得了B.A. 在堪萨斯大学的艺术史上, and her M.A. 圣何塞州立大学艺术史和视觉文化专业. She is currently attending the 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校, pursuing her Ph.D. in Visual Studies. 她的研究兴趣是跨学科和跨文化的, and focus on and investigate intersections between today’s conceptions of ethnicity 认同与文化记忆的表征. 史黛西在非营利组织的工作 部门包括丰富的教学经验. 作为陶伯大屠杀教育研究员, Stacy spent three weeks in Israel training alongside educators from around the world 并开发了一个艺术驱动的研讨会,旨在为课堂使用题为 可视化大屠杀身份. The collaborative plan developed with Stacy’s mentor, Shannon Rose Riley, Chair of the Humanities Department and Professor of Humanities and the Creative Arts, is ambitious. Stacy, already a Teaching Assistant at the University of California, Santa Cruz, will be provided experience teaching in an interdisciplinary department, learning both broad context and the ability to develop specialized work by others into effective pedagogy. 除了其他领域的研究之外,史黛西和李博士. Riley will explore 知识生产和传播的数字人文方法. In this she will benefit from the ongoing support of her thesis advisor, Beverly Grindstaff, who 作为临时副院长无法指导她获得这个奖项. 史黛西会继续 her community service and university citizenship by identifying and participating 在科罗拉多州立大学的委员会里,她可以观察校园管理的运作.

Halima Kazen-Stojanovic


Halima Kazen-Stojanovic获得了B.S. in Radio & 电视lol菠菜网正规平台/大众传播 她在圣何塞州立大学(San jossan State University)担任硕士.A. 在商业和经济lol菠菜网正规平台 纽约大学. 她目前正在攻读博士学位.D. 在女性主义研究 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校. 哈利玛是一位经验丰富的讲师 2012年起在圣何塞州立大学lol菠菜网正规平台学院任教. Since 2017, Halima has also been a lecturer within 圣何塞州立大学’s Justice Studies Department. Her background in news reporting is equally impressive, as is her understanding of 阿富汗,它的政治,人权和妇女问题. Halima的研究兴趣 have been utilized by the United Nations, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. Her Ph.D. research will build upon her 15 years of fieldwork and theorize on the development and impact of international women’s rights programs in conflict or post-conflict countries. Halima’s commitment to the CSU mission is demonstrated by her continued teaching and support 在圣何塞州立大学, and her own personal refugee experience. Halima’s 导师是lol菠菜网正规平台总监菲利斯·韦斯特-约翰逊 & 香港大众传媒 约瑟州立大学. Dr. 韦斯特-约翰逊认识哈利玛两年了,对她印象深刻 哈利玛对教室的指挥. Halima的学生很欣赏她的真实经历 并且对她的讲课反应良好. Halima和她的导师将一起完成他们的 collaborative plan to continue to build Halima’s already considerable skills in research, 教学和专业发展.

Ricardo Chavez


里卡多·查韦斯获得了B.A. 加州州立大学艺术-艺术史专业, 萨克拉门托,并将接受他的M.S. 艺术史和视觉文化 州立大学,2018年春季. 他的论文集中于当代版画的联系 and social and political activism speaks to his deep engagement with social justice. As a 2017-2018 Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholar, Ricardo has had the opportunity to visit Ph.D.正在等待录取. 里卡多是第一位 member of his family to attend university and has spent his college career in the CSU系统,兼有学校教育和学生职位. 他对这些机会充满热情 提供给不同的人群. 简单地用他自己的话来说,“任何恐惧我 had about someone with my personal background belonging in the world of higher education disappeared as I discovered everyone else who walked a similar path to get to where we all were.他的导师,多·鲍恩,副教授和艺术协调员 History and Visual Culture Program, states that he is “committed to equality and quality – essential components of an education in the California State University system.” Ricardo and Dr. Bowen制定了一个合作计划来丰富Ricardo的教学 experiences, expand his reach through conference papers, journal articles and grant proposals, as well as concentrate on his continued academic and intellectual growth 在圣何塞州立大学.

Andrea Jamison


安德里亚·贾米森获得了B.B.A. 罗伯特莫里斯学院工商管理硕士, her M.A. 在康考迪亚大学获得教育学硕士学位.S. in Library and Information Science from Dominican University, and is presently pursuing her Ph.D. in Library and Information Science, which an interest in multicultural children’s 多米尼加大学文学. Andrea在这两方面都有丰富的教育经验 图书馆和信息服务. 安德里亚理解教育不平等. She has seen it in poor urban communities where the lack of access to books and technology 放弃了对图书馆工作的热情. 克里斯汀·雷布曼,副教授,学校 圣何塞州立大学信息系的教授将担任安德里亚的导师. Andrea will design a program of research relating to social justice, equity, and information inclusion 通过她对青年文学中代表性不足的观点的研究. Dr. Rebmann believes that the CDIP program will create intellectual and professional relationships 加州州立大学系统. 联合合作计划需要安德里亚 to seek opportunities to teach college level courses part-time and continue her research. Although Andrea has not attended college in California, her dedication to the CSU 从她的工作中可以看出她的使命感.