Institute for Regenerative Futures

Institute for Regenerative Futures

再生未来研究所是一个跨代社区团体 黑人和其他土著的共谋教育家,长老,治疗实践者, memory workers (researchers) and beloved community. 我们的集体经历了 社区参与,教育和研究的及时交叉点突出 反黑人和殖民化的心理、情感和生理影响.

我们在打击破坏我们自决的力量的努力中是相互联系的 我们根植于通往正确关系的未来的教育途径 with our ancestral and cultural ways of being and knowing. 我们寻求重建未来 through memory, research, grounded practice and service.


社区 Responsive Collective (CRC)


CRC is committed to grounded practice and service; we build and connect with elders, 年轻人、基层集体和自治社区空间(“网络”) 支持”),努力支持和维持以社区为中心的实践(护理工作)。.

今年,儿童权利委员会正在与东区居民进行一场倾听活动 以更好地了解圣何塞州立大学如何能够 strengthen its support of and bonds with residents of East San Jose. 科研人员 是否会每月与社区利益相关者会面,认真听取他们的意见 of East San Jose residents; the project leverages financial support and university 圣何塞州立大学的问责制,以支持现有的社区 保护和延长丰富的生活的项目,文化动态的环境 是东圣何塞.



作为一种播种和保护我们的手段,BFL支持正在进行的研究和记忆 that disrupts the policies and practices compromising Black futures. 

今年,BFL正在制定一个黑人健康框架,以打破种族/民族 健康差距和改善围产期结局在俄勒冈州的出生倡议 程序.



TUC works  with dreamers who understand the limitations of schooling. 有了这个基础 总工会的宗旨是推进废除学校的运动,激活教育途径 that support youth to embrace their sacred purpose and self-determined futures.

今年,加州大学与旧金山湾区的教育工作者合作进行观察 教师健康、课堂实践与学生心理健康的关系 健康,当选定的教师沉浸在为期一年的一系列每月健康为基础的 研讨会. One way the study measures the efficacy of the health-based educational intervention for teachers is through the study and measurement of telomeres. 慢性 压力反应的改变会导致持续的高水平压力 激素(e.g. cortisol) that result in accelerated cellular aging and thus the shortening of telomere length (Geronimus et al. 2006). Telomeres are the protective caps on chromosomes that guard against cell deterioration. Research links the lengthening of telomeres to compassion based practices (Hoge et. al, 2013). In addition to telomere measurement, 本研究将分析课堂实践中教师自我健康感知的变化 as well as youth perception of wellness over the course of 一个 academic year.











Introducing our Research Fellows

Dr. 翡翠邓普顿

Dr. 翡翠邓普顿

Dr. 祖母绿邓普顿是一位具有公平意识的学者实践者,具有组织方面的专业知识 leadership, counseling, and student affairs. Her work spans across strategic planning 项目管理、教学和研究的价值观深深植根于关怀, compassion, and commitment to centering marginalized students. 她目前担任 作为加州社区学院教育合作的管理者 她专注于战略规划,以支持转型中的成功和 hyper-marginalized学生. Her scholarship focuses on the logics of valuing diversity, Black feminisms, and women facing intersectional oppressions.



We live in the hub of our country's technological giants. 然而,有一个明显的差距 在圣克拉拉县富裕的特权阶层和更大的人口之间 以个人奋斗的毅力和决心面对不可逾越的障碍 toward achieving personal prosperity. I believe that every一个 should be afforded equitable opportunities to pursue their ambitions through higher education.
I am a proud first-generation Mexican American from Tecolotes, Baja California. I 成为了美国.S. citizen to exercise my right to vote for initiatives that will improve the living conditions for all Californians, regardless of their resident status. I 完成了圣何塞州立大学的证书课程,并回到了美国 获得教育学硕士学位. I currently teach social studies in a culturally rich 米尔皮塔斯的一所中学. My students examine our country’s history of social inequities 以及倡导社会转型的民权领袖,以及那些 who continue to inspire us today. When I see my students, I see effective community 有目标的领导者,敢于梦想的企业家,还有 kind individuals who dare to demonstrate empathy.



在她年轻的时候,伊登看到了中产阶级化的影响有多快——由于大量涌入 在旧金山湾区的几家公司,改变了她曾经几代人的充满活力的社区. 伊甸园的教育工作者更加注重建立公平的社区, healers, and caretakers who surrounded her. During her undergraduate years, she worked 作为一名案例管理人员帮助那些无家可归的人 developed her equity-oriented mindset. During this time, she also recognized some 种族视角对为黑人寻求帮助的服务提供的限制 他们自己的支持. With this, she is excited to continue her service to Black people.



我是一个经常发现自己被正义和解放所吸引和附属于的人 为中心工作. I want black, brown, and queer folk to have futures rooted in healing, 爱和社区,我试着以这些东西为中心度过一生. 我是一个作家,一个关系建设者,一个为人们提供空间的人 他们本来的样子.



马塞洛•克拉克 is an Afro-Puerto Rican, Filipino, from the Bay Area. 他收到了他的 BA in Sociology and African American Studies from UCLA. His work interrogates whiteness within Afro-diasporic religious spaces in Los Angeles. 他的精神基础 与社区组织的合作建立了他对公平社区和 正义.



阿丽娜是圣何塞州立大学的一名本科生,攻读两个学位, 一个 in Sociology and 一个 in Chicanx Studies. She is very passionate about ethnic studies and hopes to pursue it beyond 菠菜网lol正规平台 by becoming an ethnic studies teacher.



作为奥克兰联合学校一所公立高中的民族研究老师 区,我不断发现自己谈判的矛盾教学解放 系统中的内容需要使用客观的逻辑和非人性化的教学方法 为了“办好教室”.” I originally found myself in the classroom because I was interested in how our literacy journeys can shape our identities as well as 学习如何以特定的方式“语言”会对我们的生活轨迹产生怎样的影响. 然而,我的工作是指导波士顿公立学区的学生,作为一个硕士 曾就读于波士顿大学语言与读写教育专业,现攻读英语/民族研究专业 一直把我带回到关于系统的更大的问题上 in which we are asked to learn and build relationships with youth. 作为一名IRF成员 I hope to be in community with others in which we center relation and care in the 研究和抵制由我们生活的体制所产生的经验的工作.



Sheryll is the daughter of Dorothy and the granddaughter of Artelia. 她来自 a line of strong, entrepreneurial women who dared to dream of a better life. Sheryll recently realized her dream of completing her degree. 她以优异的成绩毕业 from UC Merced in May 2022, with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology. 谢丽尔目前是 在申请研究生院的过程中,以成为一所学校为目标 therapist in underserved communities.


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